When you have braces or Invisalign, keeping your teeth clean is really important. That is why you need to really understand how your toothbrush works and how to take care of it when you have braces. Your toothbrush is one of the major keys to your dental health. You need a clean and effective toothbrush if you want to keep your teeth clean. Here are a few things you should know about your toothbrush.
#1. Replace Your Brush When the Bristles Get Bent
Pay attention to how the bristles on your brush look. The bristles on your toothbrush should be straight and strong. If you start to notice that the tips of the bristles are bent or look like they are breaking down, it is time for a new toothbrush. Once the bristles start to bend and fray, they don't have the strength and power to remove plaque from your teeth. If you brush at least twice a day, the bristles generally start to go bad after about three months. If you brush more frequently, the bristles will wear out at a faster rate. If you brush less frequently, the bristles will wear down at a slower rate.
This is true for electric toothbrushes as well. The bristles will start to wear down on the head of the toothbrush, and you will need to swap out the toothbrush head.
#2. Replace Your Toothbrush After You Have Been Sick
If you have been sick, it is a smart idea to replace your toothbrush. This is particularly good advice if you have suffered from a bacterial infection. Although most bacteria should die if you let your toothbrush air dry after each time you brush your teeth, it is still smart to change out your toothbrush after an illness. If you store your toothbrush right next to other people in your home, you are going to want to make sure that everyone changes out their toothbrushes after an illness.
#3. Avoid Brush Caps
Don't use a brush cap on your toothbrush. A brush cap traps the moisture and bacteria on your toothbrush. This can allow the bacteria to thrive and microorganisms to grow. In order to keep your toothbrush clean, it needs to be able to air dry in between each time you brush your teeth. Wet environments create unpleasant environments on your toothbrush.
#4. Consider Going Electrical
Finally, if you are not using an electric toothbrush already, consider going electric. An electric toothbrush moves at a faster rate and provides you with a deeper cleaning than you can get by manually cleaning your toothbrush. Keep in mind that even a manual toothbrush still needs some assistance; you still need to apply the right amount of pressure to the toothbrush so it makes solid contact with your teeth, and you need to move your toothbrush in a circulate motion to ensure it cleans your teeth as effectively as possible.
When your bristles start to look worn down, it is time to replace your toothbrush. If you are really sick, replace your toothbrush when you feel better. Don't put a cap on your toothbrush; that can lead to unsanitary conditions. Consider going electrical for a deeper clean. Use these tips to keep your teeth and your braces clean and healthy