If you have decided to go the Invisalign route—as opposed to the metal bracket route—to straighten your teeth, you may be curious about the treatment. Well, here are a few helpful things for you to know.
Follow the 48-Hour Instruction.
With Invisalign, you will switch out trays every so often as your teeth start to shift. For the first 48 hours of each tray, you will want to make certain that you follow the instructions of your orthodontist—which is to wear the align tray as much as possible. Generally, you should only take the trays out to brush your teeth. While you should always wear the trays as much as you can, it is most important during those first 48 hours of making the switch to a new align tray.
Keep Flossing Every Single Day.
Don't think that just because you have aligner trays in your mouth that you shouldn't be flossing once a day as you were before. After you perform your regular brushing, you should floss. In fact, it is probably more important than before to floss. The aligner trays will hold all that bacteria and food right against your teeth and keep saliva from doing its job.
Change Your Aligners In Order and On Time.
During the process of your Invisalign treatment, it is very important that you change your aligners when your orthodontist tells you to. In some cases, your orthodontist may have you keep an aligner in for a few more days or a week or two longer. If this is the case, make sure you follow his or her instructions; don't assume you know best and go ahead and change your tray. It is also vital that you put the correct aligner in. Your aligners go in a certain order due to your course of treatment. Keep in mind that your treatment won't speed up if you put in the wrong tray.
Practice Talking to Eradicate the Lisp.
There is a good chance that the Invisalign aligner trays will cause you to talk with a slight lisp. However, there is no need to worry, as this is not permanent. The best possible way for you to eliminate this is to simply practice talking with the aligner in. You can talk with a friend that you are comfortable with or read out loud. You will find that you will get used to the tray very quickly—and that the lisp goes away.