Don't Let a Missing Tooth Hold You Back in Life

  • Avoiding Halitosis

    7 May 2018

    If your breath is regularly offensive, you may be looking for ways to improve its odor. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid halitosis. Scrape Your Tongue Many mouth odors originate from the bacteria on the tongue. Anaerobic bacteria may emit volatile compounds that contain sulfur. The stale odor that is associated with the sulfur is released in the breath.  Anaerobic bacteria build up on the tongue and form a biofilm coating.

  • Ways To Help Your Teen Protect Their Oral Health

    4 April 2018

    If you are the parent of a teen, you may be concerned about their oral health. Often, teenagers may become so busy with school and extracurricular activities that they may not care for their teeth and gums properly.  Here are a few measures that you can take to help your teen protect their dental health. Keep Bottled Water in the Car Teens are often being transported to their appointments via car.

  • How The Foods You Eat Can Affect Temporary Veneers

    5 March 2018

    When you opt for dental veneers to cover your teeth and create a more uniform smile, you need to understand the process and how the choices you make every day can affect it. For example, since veneers are created as a custom-fit product, you will be fitted with temporary veneers while your permanent ones are being produced. Temporary veneers aren't as resilient as the permanent ones, so you'll need to be careful what you eat during this transitional period.

  • 4 Kinds Of Dental Bridges

    7 February 2018

    Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing or badly damaged teeth. Bridges are used to cover the space of a missing tooth and crowns are used to cap a damaged tooth or cover an implant. Most bridge types require crowns on adjacent teeth to support the bridge. Bridges are strong, long-lasting, and helpful in improving your smile and your bite. Traditional Dental Bridges Traditional bridges are currently the most popular type.

  • Two Tips To Help You Find A Good Dentist

    11 January 2018

    The dentist is a central part of your overall medical team. They, along with your general physician, help you maintain your health and make recommendations that can keep you at your peak. If you've moved to a new area or switched your insurance company you might be looking for a new dentist. You want someone knowledgeable and sincere so you can feel comfortable expressing any concerns you may have about your oral health.

  • Dental Implant Leaving A Bad Taste In Your Mouth? The Basics Of Peri-Implantitis

    6 December 2017

    Dental implants have become an increasingly popular solution for missing or extracted teeth. While most implant surgeries are successful and face very few side effects, there are some things you should be attentive to during your recovery. For example, if you suddenly start to notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth from the area around your implant, that is cause for concern. Here is some information about the most common cause, called peri-implantitis:

  • Signs To Watch For In The First Few Weeks Of Porcelain Veneers

    10 November 2017

    A veneer service may take several days, or it may only span one day. Porcelain veneers add to the beauty of your teeth and easily create a symmetrical look and appropriate tooth spacing. Directly after the service, your mouth may feel odd, and it may take a little while to adjust to the feel and length of your new teeth. It is important to follow the directions of the doctor and monitor the way that your veneers and your mouth feel during the first few weeks.