19 October 2018
If you have decided to go the Invisalign route—as opposed to the metal bracket route—to straighten your teeth, you may be curious about the treatment. Well, here are a few helpful things for you to know. Follow the 48-Hour Instruction. With Invisalign, you will switch out trays every so often as your teeth start to shift. For the first 48 hours of each tray, you will want to make certain that you follow the instructions of your orthodontist—which is to wear the align tray as much as possible.
24 September 2018
When you have braces or Invisalign, keeping your teeth clean is really important. That is why you need to really understand how your toothbrush works and how to take care of it when you have braces. Your toothbrush is one of the major keys to your dental health. You need a clean and effective toothbrush if you want to keep your teeth clean. Here are a few things you should know about your toothbrush.
29 August 2018
There has always been a lot of debate over composite fillings versus amalgam fillings, and this is primarily because amalgam fillings tend to last a lot longer than composite fillings. If this is the case, why do dentists recommend and use composite fillings? There are several good reasons dentists prefer composite fillings over amalgam fillings, and here are some of the reasons. Composite fillings look nicer If you look at a composite filling, you will barely be able to see it.
1 August 2018
Sleep apnea can rob you of a good night's sleep and increase your likelihood of long-term health issues. The condition occurs when your body stops breathing at multiple intervals as you sleep. The disruptions in your sleep cycle can leave you feeling exhausted and irritated throughout your day. Here is some additional information about sleep apnea and how it can be treated. Types of Sleep Apnea There are two common types of sleep apnea.
4 July 2018
If you have lost a tooth and do not pan to get it replaced by a dentist, you will regret this decision. This is because having a missing tooth is more than just a cosmetic issue as it can cause other problems. Keep reading to learn of two problems you can have if you do not replace the tooth. Lose Bone If you do not replace the missing tooth, you will have bone loss in your jawbone and in the bones that surround and support the missing tooth.
6 June 2018
If your child has very crooked teeth but you think they are too young for braces, you want to take them to an orthodontist just to have them checked out. There are a lot of things that may be needed to prevent the problem from getting worse, especially if they have their adult teeth in and these teeth are crooked. Here are some of the things to talk with the orthodontist about, so you can see if it's the right time for braces in your child's life.
7 May 2018
If your breath is regularly offensive, you may be looking for ways to improve its odor. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid halitosis. Scrape Your Tongue Many mouth odors originate from the bacteria on the tongue. Anaerobic bacteria may emit volatile compounds that contain sulfur. The stale odor that is associated with the sulfur is released in the breath. Anaerobic bacteria build up on the tongue and form a biofilm coating.